Is 16GB RAM Enough For a Laptop? Know the Answer

Is 16GB RAM enough for a laptop? When looking for laptops this question often strikes our mind. Among many other specs, the size of RAM is essential to check since it is a major factor affecting the performance of a laptop. So if you also want to know whether 16GB RAM is enough for a laptop, then this write-up is for you.

After going through this write-up you will surely know the answer to the very frequently asked question – Is 16GB RAM enough for a laptop? Let’s start with some basic knowledge about RAM to make the answer to this question easier to understand and help you choose a laptop with the best RAM specifications.

Also read: Also read: Best Laptops for Streaming Movies

What is RAM?

RAM or Random Access Memory is a computer hardware that stores the short-term memory of a laptop or computer. This temporary memory contains data and information which your laptop or computer needs immediately to run applications or to open files. Different types and sizes of RAM are available.

Is 16GB RAM Enough For a Laptop?

Unlike long-term storage, RAM is a temporary memory which works only when the laptop is turned on, and as soon as you turn off your computer or restart it, this memory is lost and space for new data is vacated. Also, long-term storage is comparatively slower than RAM. RAM is quickly accessible.

When sufficient RAM is available, all tasks can be performed smoothly and quickly by your laptop. With low RAM, you will often experience slow performance and lagging of your laptop. You will not be able to multi-task or run demanding applications on your laptop. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right size of RAM.

What are the different RAM sizes?

RAM is available in different sizes. The greater the size, the faster will your laptop perform. Let’s get an idea about what RAM size could be the best for you by going through a short description of the different RAM sizes.

  • 2GB RAM:

A laptop with 2GB RAM is rare nowadays as it is not preferred by anyone. 2GB RAM offers a very slow performance and you can only perform very basic tasks on a laptop like sending mail and some web-browsing. 2GB RAM will not support most of the modern softwares and websites.

  • 4GB RAM:

4GB RAM is the bare minimum that a laptop must have. Most entry-level laptops offer 4GB RAM. With this size of RAM, you can perform basic tasks and run basic applications on your laptop. You can use it for running office apps, web surfing, watching videos, etc. However, you may not be able to multitask.

  • 8GB RAM:

Having 8GB RAM on a laptop is optimal. It will support a basic to moderate workload. With 8GB RAM, you can also play some entry-level to moderate games. It will also also allow some amount of multi-tasking. For casual users, it is a good option to go for as it supports most daily tasks and won’t cost you a lot.

  • 16GB RAM:

For those users, who cannot compromise on speed, 16GB RAM is recommended. In addition to being able to support moderate as well as heavy usage, it offers you smooth functioning every time. It will be able to run heavy games and apps and you can easily multitask on a laptop having 16GB RAM.

  • 32GB RAM:

Many people consider 32GB RAM as overkill. However professional gamers and video editors prefer 32GB RAM due to the heavy and demanding workload on the computer. So if you are among them, then you can consider 32GB RAM for superfast speed and powerful performance.

Is 16GB RAM Enough For a Laptop?

Is 16GB RAM Enough for a laptop?

So now that you are all informed about RAM, let’s answer – Is 16GB RAM enough for a laptop? Although the general answer would be YES, the answer to this question varies from person to person as the needs and usage differ among people.

For those users who use their laptop for basic, moderate and even some heavy tasks, 16GB RAM is sufficient. It will give you smooth performance while you browse the web with a number of tabs open, play games, and run a number of apps simultaneously. 16GB RAM is good for multi-tasking too.

However, for extremely heavy users, 16GB RAM might fall short and they may need to upgrade to higher RAM options like 32GB. This stands true for those who use their laptop for high-end gaming or video editing. So, if you are not into such stuff, you can certainly go with the 16GB RAM option.

Conclusion: Is 16GB RAM Enough For a Laptop?

Whenever choosing the right size of RAM, always consider your usage, needs and budget. An 8GB is recommended. Prefer not to go for extremely small sizes of RAM as a sluggish laptop performance is always annoying. Also, you need not go for large and expensive RAM unless you are a heavy user. So is 16GB RAM enough for a laptop? Overall, for 16GB RAM, it’s a thumbs up!

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